March 1, 2021

Episode 1: Walking by Faith with Rev. Robin Smiley

Episode 1: Walking by Faith with Rev. Robin Smiley

On this episode of the Circle 31 Podcast, I talk to Rev. Robin Smiley, the CEO of From the Heart to You Catering and Up Higher Apparel.  She is also an ordained minister and the Visionary of COME UP HIGHER Ministries. Rev. Smiley walks us through the ups and downs in her life and shares with us how God's faithfulness sustained her. Rev. Smiley followed God's direction, regardless of how it felt.  Her testimony of walking by faith is sure to bless you!

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Facebook - Robin Evans Smiley or Come Up Higher Ministries

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 Rev. Smiley on Twitter: @RevRMSmiley

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