Jan. 14, 2023

Episode 46: Creatively Christian with Andrea Sandefur

Episode 46: Creatively Christian with Andrea Sandefur

Andrea Sandefur is a breath of fresh air. As I spoke with her when we recorded Episode 46, it was evident right away that she values the word of God and her relationship with Him. Something else that Andrea values is connection with people. She has a heart to encourage and serve. During our time together, she expressed how much she loves encouraging Christian creatives to honor God with their creativity and to share that gift with others. 

Andrea is a singer/songwriter and shared with us how she writes songs and how important the word of God and her personal experiences with Him contribute to her song writing. She mentioned one of many songs that she has written, called Shepherd King and shared why this song so special to her. You can listen to Shepherd King here: https://andreasandefurmusic.com/track/3110211/shepherd-king

Andrea shared how important it is for Christian creatives to communicate the message of Christ through the gifts that God has given them. This episode was encouraging and inspiring. Andrea reminds us that God gives us gifts to glorify Him and to draw people to Himself.

Website: https://andreasandefurmusic.com/home
YouTube: @andreasandefur
Instagram: andreasandefur
Facebook: Andrea Sandefur