Dec. 2, 2021

Episode 19: Operation Thriving Marriage with Jennifer Harvey

Episode 19: Operation Thriving Marriage with Jennifer Harvey

It was a delight to have an opportunity to talk to Jennifer. It's evident that God has strategically placed her and her husband in this day and time to be a source of hope, wisdom and Christ-centered support. I am not sure how well the body of Christ is doing in supporting believers who are divorced. Are we paying attention to our brothers and sisters in Christ who have experienced a devastating death-like loss in their lives? I am hoping that this episode will provide hope for those who are looking to rebuild, heal and move forward. I also believe that this episode provides some wonderful wisdom nuggets for single and married people as well. Jennifer was able to speak to the needs of singles, married and divorced people. I am hoping that regardless of what your marital status is, that you will find comfort, encouragement, motivation and even some correction in this episode with Jennifer. No matter if you are single, married or divorced, you are valued, loved and needed in the body of believers. What resonated with me the most in this interview is when Jennifer reminded us that no matter what your maritual status is, your relationship with Christ is what is most important.

Jennifer and her husband Bryon host a podcast called Operation Thriving Marriage. Do yourself a favor and follow their podcast. I am thorougly enjoying the balance, scriptural foundation and the heart to heart connection of their podcast. Visit their website to purchase their book, listen to their podcast and sign up for coaching sessions with Jennifer and Bryon.