Nov. 14, 2021

Episode 18: Gentle Parenting with Meaghan Jackson

Episode 18: Gentle Parenting with Meaghan Jackson

Meaghan Jackson is an author, entrepreur and gentle parenting coach. I had not heard of gentle parenting before finding out that Meaghan would be a guest on our show. I made many assumptions about what gentle parenting meant. I thought that it meant that the child is not held responsible for her actions, and that parents basically allow the children to raise themselves. I found this conversatoin to be insightful and enlightening. What stands out to me the most is when Meaghan said gentle parent is primarily about working on yourself as the parent. When we are connecting and communicating with God, we allow God to show us ourselves and guide us toward being the parents that God intended us to be from the beginning. 

All parents have experienced feeling frustrated with their children. What I found valuable in this conversation were the tips and nuggets that Meaghan sprinkled throughout our conversation. The biggest take away for me is when Meaghan said that as parents we should, "...focus on connection BEFORE correction". WOW!